Posts tagged Lockley McClung cross



ZOE is a bitch born to LADY (McClung) and  JOCK (Lockley McClung cross) in 2011. She is a good honest dog with a wonderful nature. Zoe can find and bail her own pigs and will hold with other dogs.


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ZOE with her mum LADY


ZOE was mated to BRUCIE with pups born in 2013. We have kept RED with his other litter mates sold on.Zoe Bruce



JOCK – Jock is a son out of CLAY and FLO which I’ve bred (Lockley/McClung cross).  He’s been my main dog for the last few years.  Jock can find and catch his own pigs.  He can stay on a pig up to 3 kms, find, bail and hold. Jock is very local and a good honest dog and my main stud dog.

temepoll hunting august 2010 009JOCK holding a young boar

labour weekend at Pohuenui 006


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Dog Breeding – Bruce & Zoe



Bruce and Zoe with young pup Red from their first mating together

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Zoe BruceSome of their first litter

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Some more of BRUCIE and ZOE’S first litter. RED is on far right.

Dog Breeding – Jock and Tai


Tai is a pure breed (old blood) McClung bitch which I purchased off her original owner in recent years for breeding purposes. In her prime she was a top bitch catching many good pigs. She still hunts well but has slowed up a bit.

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Jock, Tai heavily pregnant and Ulu their daughter from the first mating




TaiTai with her first litter to Jock (Spring 2013), a wonderful caring mum


Tai’s first litter on the left with some of Lady’s which she cared for too

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Mix of Tai’s and Lady’s pups


ULU, from Tai’s first litter to Jock

ulu pig

ULU’s first pig, and she’s proud as punch!

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Tai’s second litter to Jock, born Autumn 2014

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