0JOCK (Lockley McClung cross) and LADY’S (McClung) matings first begun in 2010
2010 – ZOE, FLO first litter and litter mates
2011 – ZOE, PIP and their litter mates
2012 – MO, BETH, and bitch litter mate (mated to GHOST)
2013 ROSE, SARGE and their litter mates
Two of Lady’s pups (in kennel) born in 2013 (Flo on left, Sarge on right) with Ulu on ground (Tai’s)
Sarge born in 2013
Mixture of Lady’s and Tai’s pups born 2013
0JOCK – Jock is a son out of CLAY and FLO which I’ve bred (Lockley/McClung cross). He’s been my main dog for the last few years. Jock can find and catch his own pigs. He can stay on a pig up to 3 kms, find, bail and hold. Jock is very local and a good honest dog and my main stud dog.
FLO – The start of my line
0FLO – Dave Miller from Blenheim bred her out of CHUM (Lockley) and another Lockley bitch. I got her at seven months off David and she came to live with me at Pohuenui in the Marlborough Sounds. She was an outstanding stopping bitch. Flo could stop good boars by herself and bail for hours on her own. She was very hard on the arse end.
I started mating her to a pure McClung dog called CLAY owned by a friend in the Marlborough Sounds. They produced several litters which are spread around the top of the South Island. These pups are grown into dogs/bitches which can catch their own pigs and they would all be now at least six years old.
GHOST – first litter
JOE – second litter
MACE – third litter with PIP and LIPPY
JOCK – last litter with HAPPY
FLOFLO stopped the boar for the holders
Heading home: FLO, LADY, Stitch
FLO, LADY and Stitch with a pig on the beach
GHOST holding a good Pohuenui boar with Stitch
Dog Breeding – Jock and Tai
0Tai is a pure breed (old blood) McClung bitch which I purchased off her original owner in recent years for breeding purposes. In her prime she was a top bitch catching many good pigs. She still hunts well but has slowed up a bit.
Jock, Tai heavily pregnant and Ulu their daughter from the first mating
Tai with her first litter to Jock (Spring 2013), a wonderful caring mum
Tai’s first litter on the left with some of Lady’s which she cared for too
Mix of Tai’s and Lady’s pups
ULU, from Tai’s first litter to Jock
ULU’s first pig, and she’s proud as punch!
Tai’s second litter to Jock, born Autumn 2014
Dog Breeding – Jock & Lady
0Jock and Lady with daughter Zoe from one litter and daughter Rose from another.
Jock and Lady at rear with daughter Zoe from one litter, daughter Rose and son Sarge from another, and Ulu Jocks daughter to Tai.
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